Senin, 22 April 2013


Dibawah ini adalah salah satu contoh bentuk soal-soal TOEFL . Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman yang membaca 

1. Man             : Wouldn’t you rather take a break now? We’ve been at it for hours.
Woman            : I’m beat, too. Let’s get something to eat.
Man                 : We’ll be able to concreate with a little nutrition.
Q.Narrator     : What do the speakers mean ?
A. They’re tired.
B. The woman is worried about the man’s anger.
C. They feel refreshed.
D. They broke their table.
Jawaban         : A
Key word       : take a break; We’ve been at it for hours.
Pembahasan  : Kunci pada percakapan tersebut adalah Wouldn’t you rather take a break now?
                          We’ve been at it for hours yang berarti bahwa mereka ingin istirahat karena
                          Sudah bekerja berjam-jam, sehingga bisa diimplikasikan bahwa mereka lelah.

2. Woman         :  Why won’t you let Heather find herself? You can’t make her decisions forever.
Man                  : I’m just not ready to let go, to admit that she’s an adult now.
Woman             : Well she is, and I think she is ready to show it.
Q.Narrator      : What does the woman suggest that the man do?
A. Give Heather more freedom.
B. Give up on Heather.
C. Discipline Heather.
D. Be more involved in Heather’s life.
Jawaban          : A
Key word         : let heather find herself
Pembahasan    : kuncinya adalah frasa let heather find herself, yang berarti membiarkan Heather menemukan dirinya sendiri. Ungkapan tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan memberikan kebebasan.

3. Woman         : Have you seen the report on changes in the university administration?
Man                  : I looked it over briefly, but I didn’t have time to study it.
Woman             : I can leave it for you to review later if you’d like.
Q.Narrator      : What does the man say about the report?
A. He wasn’t impressed by it.
B. He hasn’t even seen it yet.
C. He thinks it’s worth studying by the whole class.
D. He has’t been able to review it in detail yet.
Jawaban          : D
Key word         : briefly
Pembahasan    : kata briefly memiliki arti “singkat”. Jadi laki-laki tersebut belum melihat laporan tersebut dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Narrator            : Listen to the following conversation abaout renting an apartment.
Man                  : I need to find a new apartment, or maybe a house.
Woman             : I thought you had a great place already. Why are you moving?
Man                  : It was a rental house, and the owners sold it. The new owners are going to   move in.
Woman             : Whre do you want to move? Are you planning to get closer to school?
Man                  : Either that or closer to my job. Right now, it’s 20 minutes to both of them.
Woman             : I have a friend who’s moving out of a two-bedroom apartment on 34th Street, near University Avenue. It’s a nice place.
Man                  : That’s great. It’s close to the grocery store, restaurant, and everything else. Do you know what it rents for?
Woman             : I think about $500 a month, and there’s a pool.
Man                  : That’s not bad at all. I’d love to see it.
Woman             : I’ll call my friend and see if it’s still available.

4. Q.Narrator  : What had the woman assumed about the man’s current living arrangements?
A. That he had sold his house
B. That he was happy with his living arrangements
C. That he had already moved
D. That he was unhappy with hos apartment
Jawaban          : B
Key word         : I thought you had a great place already
Pembahasan    : Dari yang diucapkan sang wanita, bias disimpulkan bahwa sang wanita menganggap tempat tinggal laki-laki tersebut yang sekarang menyenangkan.

5. Q.Narrator  : What does the man say about the location he prefers?
A. He likes to live in the country.
B. He is trying to find a place close to work and school
C. He will accept a place close to either work or school.
D. Distance is not important to him
Jawaban          : C
Key word         : get closer to school; Either that closer to my job
Pembahasan    : Dari yang diucapkan laki-laki jelas dia mencari lokasi yang baik yangd ekat dengan sekolah ataupm tempat kerjanya.

6. Q.Narrator  : How does the man react to the suggestion made by the woman?
A. He thinks it is too far away from everything.
B. He thinks it is close to conveniences.
C. He is disappointed that there is no swimming pool.
D. He thinks the rent is outrageous.
Jawaban          : B
Key word         : That’s not bad at all
Pembahasan    : Ungkapan yang disampaikan sang laki-laki that’s not bad at all mengimplikasikan bahwa sang laki-laki menyukai tempat yang ditawarkan.

7. Q.Narrator  : What does the woman offer to do for the man?
A. Share the apartment with him.
B. Contact her friend to inquire about it.
C. Take him to see houses.
D. Talk to an apartment broker.
Jawaban          : B
Key word         : I’ll call my friend and see if it’s still available
Pembahasan    : Dari percakapan tersebut jelas sang wanita akan menghubungi temannya untuk menanyakan apakah tempat tersebut masih tersedia atau tidak.

8. Those football mathes will be ­­_____ on television tonight.
A. internationally broadcasting
B. broadcasted international
C. internationally broadcasted
D. broadcasting international
Jawaban          : C
Key word         : will be
Pembahasan    :  bentuk will be selalu diiuti oleh participle. Kata kerja diterangkan oleh adverb yang berakhiran –ly. Karena itu jawaban u\yang tepat adalah internationally broadcasted.

9. The Whitney Boomerang is the first ­­_____ which exceeds all crash testing requirements.
A. two seater aircraft
B. two-seater aircraft
C. two-seaters aircraft
D. two-sealer aircraft
Jawaban            : B
Key word         : the first
Pembahasan      : Kumpulan kata sifat harus disambung dengan tanda hubung (-) dan tidak boleh jamak (diimbuhi –s)

10. _____ the bad weather, he still chooses to go by air plane.
A. Although
B. However
C. Despite
D. While
Jawaban            : C
Key word         : the bad weather
Pembahasan      : Kalimat ini menunjukkan sesuatu yang berlawanan, jadi pilihannya adalah despite

11. Yosi continued playing game ____ he heard his mother calling.
A. although
B. as soon as
C. after
D. because
Jawaban          : A
Key word         : continued playing; his mother calling
Pembahasan    : Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pertentangan sehingga yang tepat adalah although (meskipun)

12. The concept of lift in aerodynamics refers to  the relationship among the increased speed of
                                                                A                                  B                  C
air over the top of a wing and the higher pressure of the slower air underneath.
Jawaban    : B
Key word   : the relationship among; and
Pembahasan  : karena menunjukkan hubungan di antara dua hal, maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah between bukan among.

13. Though Pablo Picasso was primarily a painting, he also became a fine sculptor, engraver and
          A                                         B            C                                   D
Jawaban    : C
Key word   : Pablo Picasso was primarily a painting
Pembahasan: Penggunaan painting pada kalimat tidak tepat karena berarti ‘lukisan’ padahal mengacu pada Pablo Picasso yang merupakan subjek orang. Karena mengacu pada orang, seharusnya yang digunakan adalah pointer (pelukis).

14.  Despite of rain or snow there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the OSU
            A                                   B                           C                               D
football games
Jawaban       : A
Key word      : despite of
Pembahasan : bentuk despite tidak diikuti of, seharusnya cukup despite.

15. Salmon lay their eggs and die in fresh water, although they live in salt water when most of
                   A                                                        B                                          C        
their adults live.
Jawaban      : C
Key word     : in salt water
Pembahasan: Pada kalimat dibutuhkan kata untuk merujuk pada salt water yang merupakan   tempat. Kata untuk merujuk tempat adalah where.

Sumber :
Estiwi Retno Purnaning, S.S , Alvina K.Ayuningtyas, S.Si , Indra Kridaningtyas, S.Pd & Nurul Hudha, S.Si,MM.2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score Rahasia Melejitkan Score TOEFL. KAWAHMedia. Jakarta